The Oxford 3000 is a list of core words that form the foundation of making the English language easier to learn, containing words for everyday objects, actions and contexts. To raise awareness of these word lists across their social channels, OUP wanted to create a series of highly visual pieces of content that would showcase some of the key words that could be found across 6 differing subject matters.
As visual representations of an object, activity or place are a universal language, an iconographic route was proposed that married the words with the imagery. Utilising bright and cheerful chunky icons against a bold colour backdrop that was different for each scenario, a series of short and punchy videos were created.
With each video running under 30 seconds, each element of the video from the copy to the icons were animated to reinforce the punchy delivery. With each scenario using different colourways and icons relevant to the words, the final suite of videos provided bite sized pieces of content to help raise the profile of the Oxford 3000.